Umrah & Hajj Group Booking is being Opened  |     |  We offer new Packages for Hajj and Umrah  |  Now you can contact with us on  |  Our Website is now online.  |    |  


Hospitality that is a cultural heritage personal care and attention service that is an inspiration to others to us, it's a matter of pride!

IKHWAN-UL-HUJJAJ (PVT) LTD established in 2002 with the spirit to serve people in performing Hajj & Umrah through so easy, right and affordable way along with the full social , legal & spiritual guidance under the supervision of respected Ulma-e-Din of Islam.

The travel with

IKHWAN-UL-HUJJAJ (PVT) LTD offering the ultimate choice in the comfort & peace of mind for Hajj & Umrah performers either luxurious or low income Muslims.

This Group not only providing the best services but also prevent the pilgrims form wrong or invalid way in fulfilling this religious responsibility.

Secondly the reason of establishing the platform to IKHWAN-UL-HUJJAJ (PVT) LTD to give Pilgrims/Umrah performer a unique pleasant travel experience which include profound love & respect of Allah, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Holy Haram.

We are proud of this reward of God that we are serving guest of Allah.


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